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Key Details

Number of Employees: 32000

Location: Leeds, Livingston, Osterley

Industry: Telecommunications, ‎Mass media, Technology

Reckon you could build tech that transforms the way the world watches sport? Want to work in finance and support the futures of your favourite shows? Keen to pick up heaps of new skills by trying out lots of different things?

At Sky, you can combine what you love with what you do best to shape a brilliant career. And you’ll get to work with some amazing technology while you’re at it.

With 24 million customers across six countries, it’s no surprise we’re Europe’s biggest entertainment brand. But Sky is more than must-watch shows, cutting-edge tech and market-leading packages. We’re a place where people from all walks of life get the freedom and support to do their best work.

Our range of graduate programmes gives everyone the chance to find a job they love to talk about, whatever their degree. Plus, we offer loads of internships and insight events to give students at all different stages of education a sneak peek at life at Sky. So, whatever your background, skills or passions, you can choose a career path that suits you. Ready to start a career like no other? At Sky you can.